Crossover Mission is redefining the game for young, ambitious student athletes and their families. We’re breaking away from the traditional, seasonal approach to sports and academics and introducing a year-round journey that promises to be transformative. The combination of education, athletics, and the life skills will set them up for success. 

Traditionally, youth athletes often participate in travel basketball tournaments for just a few months each year. But at Crossover, we are dedicated to providing student athletes with a year-round schedule filled with opportunities to compete, learn, and grow.

The Benefits of Year-Round Play:

With tournaments happening every two months, our young athletes are constantly engaged and driven to improve. This heightened level of competition fuels not only their athletic dreams but also their academic aspirations.

When students know the next big game is just around the corner, it instills a sense of purpose and discipline. It keeps them focused on their goals and less likely to stray off the path of success.

For those who make their school teams, our program ensures they stay committed during their school seasons. 

Even for those who may not make their school teams, our on-court experience at Crossover ensures their basketball journey continues, helping them build skills and confidence.

Beyond Sports: Building Life Skills

Our commitment to excellence doesn’t stop on the basketball court. We firmly believe that the dedication required for year-round travel ball naturally extends to academic success and personal growth. 

Time Management: Through juggling rigorous training schedules and schoolwork, student-athletes will learn the invaluable skill of time management.

Prioritization: Balancing sports and academics will teach them to prioritize effectively, a skill that will be essential in their future endeavors.

Self-Discipline: The dedication needed for year-round play will instill unwavering self-discipline, a quality that will make them stand out in any field they choose.

The skills they cultivate with us will not only serve them during their time in our program but will continue to shape their academic and professional journey.

The Travel Ball Selection Process at Crossover Mission is a comprehensive and holistic approach that takes into account the four A’s: Attitude, Academics, Athletics, and Attendance. Our coaches and academic team collaborate closely to ensure that the selection process is fair, transparent, and aligned with our mission to develop well-rounded student-athletes.

To learn about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Director of Development Triana Romero at or 772.257.5400.

Together, we’ll help these highly motivated student athletes reach their full potential, both on and off the court.