Unlocking Potential: Transforming Lives, One Student at a Time

Crossover Mission’s Independent Study Program begins a new chapter for students who are most at risk of being overlooked by traditional educational systems. Starting as early as middle school, we specifically tailor our support to meet the unique needs of our students—needs that cannot be addressed in a conventional classroom setting. These are the students who face the highest risk of dropping out and we are dedicated to changing their trajectory.

Research underscores the gravity of this issue, revealing that the cost of incarcerating a single juvenile far exceeds even the most expensive college tuition. This stark reality highlights the critical need for proactive educational interventions like ours at Crossover Mission. By stepping in early, we aim to alter potential life trajectories from dropout to diploma, transforming societal costs into educational investments.

Our approach is deeply personalized. Recognizing that the path to dropping out is influenced by a complex interplay of educational performance, behaviors, attitudes, and socio-economic factors, we tailor our strategies to meet the specific needs of each student. Through intensive one-on-one instruction and tutoring, we address these key predictors directly, ensuring that every student receives the individualized support necessary to thrive.

Each student benefits from the personalized attention of a full-time instructor and mentors, who are committed to nurturing their academic and personal growth. Beyond the classroom, our program is enriched with a variety of hands-on activities and field trips designed to broaden horizons and spark curiosity. Students have the opportunity to explore local ecosystems with visits to the Pelican Island Audubon Society and the Environmental Learning Center, enhancing their understanding of science through direct interaction with nature. Additionally, events like the Sheriff’s BBQ offer valuable insights into law enforcement, fostering a greater sense of community and civic awareness. These experiences are integral to developing well-rounded individuals who are equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Beyond academic support, we offer comprehensive assistance to address behavioral issues and attitude adjustments by integrating basketball as a constructive outlet for energy and emotions. We also break down socio-economic barriers by connecting students and their families with essential community resources.

This comprehensive approach does more than enhance academic skills; it builds emotional resilience and social competence among our students, empowering them to navigate the complexities of life. 

To learn more about our Independent Study Program and discuss whether it would be beneficial for your child, please contact Program Manager Stephanie Thompson at or call 772.257.5400 x 103

Together, we can make a lasting impact on our community and empower these students to reach their full potential.